Root canal treatments
Root canal treatment or endodontics
We combine the latest technology, experience, and ongoing dental training as a matter of course so we can preserve your tooth through an optimal root canal treatment.
Our practice uses high-tech procedures such as special mechanical preparation techniques and equipment, modern imaging, and specialised skills acquired in various training courses to preserve your tooth root and treat the inflammation of the dental nerve successfully and, above all, for the long term. With the help of precise digital X-ray techniques, early detection of an acute or chronically inflamed tooth root is an important factor in being able to preserve your tooth. Come and see us. We are your dentist in Berlin!
Preserve your teeth – Make an appointment:
Phone: 030 - 264 794 550 0
How tooth roots are damaged
Bacteria that find their way into the nerve tissue inside the tooth as a result of caries or inflammation at the tip of the root can often trigger very painful inflammation of the root. Generally, the harmful bacteria have already partially or completely destroyed the tooth nerve in this case. Root canal treatment involves removing the bacteria naturally under local anaesthetic, cleaning, and filling the root canal system and thereby preserving the tooth. To optimise this complex procedure, we work with special equipment such as electronic length measurement, thermoplastic filling materials, and magnifying glasses – so we can achieve optimum success and keep your tooth healthy for the long term.

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